Join Us - Create your free account

Fill in the form below to create your account, at this point you must choose between Team Matchplay Only or Tournament Only. If you wish to use the site for both areas a seperate account for each is required.

Group Name:

Admin E-Mail:
Admin Password:
First Name:
Last Name:
Your members login username (eg. name of your society !)
Your members login password (eg. crazygolf !)

Contact Number:(Optional)
Account Type:

Some frequently asked questions about accounts:

What is a members account?

A members account is a login you provide to the people who are in your golfing group, this username and password can be changed by you at any time in the administration control panel, the seperation for this is for security reasons, it allows golfing groups to remain private groups that require people to log in to them in order to view, you can opt to be a public group in which case anyone with your personal URL link can view your society, this is helpful for if you just simply want to link to your Match Play group from your own website for quick ease of use.

What is a ‘group name’?

This could be your golf club name or your society name, if you don't have a name for your group you may opt to choose a name based on the golf club you frequent the most, for example: "The Plymouth Golf Club Group".